Flatiron Building

Alain Godon's U.S. Premiere at the Galerie Elysees

AMP3 PRLifestyle

Alain Godon’s work has been seen worldwide, from Paris to Moscow to Bali, so it’s only appropriate that he comes to the US, showcasing his newest collection which was inspired by New York City in New York City. Thursday, December 4th, 2008 Opening Reception: 6:30pm-9:30pm Galerie Elysees 104 Central Park South *Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served all …

What I Think About Your “Gifted” Child

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I AM NOT GIFTED.  Just putting it out there from the start that, no, this isn’t me telling you why I’m gifted and you’re not, or about the perks of being gifted, or about the trouble I find myself in from being so much smarter than those around me. Again, I repeat, I AM NOT GIFTED. However, as someone that …

Reasons Why I’m Much Smarter Than My Brother

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Not long ago, I got an email from my brother with the subject line “yep.” In the body of the email, there was nothing but a link entitled, “Are Left Handed People Smarter”. After that, a short back and forth about SAT scores (of which I did much better) and Regents exams (of which he claims to have done better on all …

Stuff You Probably Didn’t Know

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In lieu of an inspired blog entry (since I’m feeling wholly uninspired), I’m going to present to you a compilation of stuff you probably didn’t know, but is interesting, nonetheless.             Moderate drinking can boost your IQ             Jelly Belly make over a million Beans an hour             The …

Dear President-Elect Obama: An Earnest Letter

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(Updated for 2017, URL Corrections, etc) Dear President-Elect Obama: While I’m sure you are well aware of the daunting tasks you have to tackle in the next few months and years, there are certain matters I’d like to put on your radar now (in case you find yourself with a little time between saving the economy and getting us safely …

A Compilation of Everything You Need to Know That’s NOT About the Election

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If you’re like me, then you’re probably refreshing news and political web pages, hoping for something interesting and uplifting to be written. Unfortunately, we seem to be in a media stalemate of sorts, with all the coverage talking about how we won’t know anything for a while, but that it’s great to see people voting (which it is). Oddly enough, …

The Right Brain v. Left Brain Fallacy

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Once again, it’s time for a little personal story to put into perspective an otherwise unfounded rambling: When I was in first grade, my parents went in to meet with my teacher, Mrs. Dempster, for a regularly scheduled parent-teacher conference.  It was at that time that Mrs. Dempster would cripple my reputation by telling my parents that I had, what …

Marcus Goldhaber's Jo Malone CD Signing and Show

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22 October 2008 Jo Malone in New York, NY 22 October 2008 at Jo Malone from 5:30pm – 7:30pm Join us at Jo Malone for Marcus Goldhaber’s exclusive in-store CD signing and live performance. With the Jon Davis Trio, Marcus will be featuring limited advance copies of his highly anticipated second full-length album, Take Me Anywhere. Guests will also enjoy …