DABA, Dating A Banker Anonymous, is either evil genius, or evil garbage. Questions have been raised as to the truthfulness of the site (are there really girls so shallow that they have to complain about not being able to spend as much of their boyfriend’s/husband’s money?). Given the fact that the site explicitly states “all stories sent will be infused …
Relationships DO Matter Most in Media Relations
I stumbled across a blog entry written by David Mullen titled “Relationships Don’t Matter Most in Media Relations.” Though it’s well-written, thoughtful, and educated, I’ll beg to differ with his notion that building relationships shouldn’t be the top priority of PR professionals. Mullen’s first argument is that many people on the agency side of Public Relations deal with a number …
When Super Bowl Ads Are So Wrong They’re Right (But Are They?)
A couple weeks ago I addressed the matter of the Burger King Whopper Sacrifice, and how it positioned itself to be an incredibly successful campaign regardless of the public’s actual response to the ad. This week, PETA has made public their Super Bowl ad that was refused by NBC, as the “suggestive” nature of the advertisement proved to be …
Holy Niche, Batman!: Social Media’s Fragmentation
My recollection, with respect to social networks, only goes as far back as Friendster. I was in college, and I had a housemate who I loved dearly, but spent a very good portion of her waking hours giggling in the room next to mine, laughing at all her Friendster friends. The following year, MySpace came onto my radar, and I …
In a Tough Market, Burger King Proves Why PR Should Never Be Sacrificed
None of my Facebook friends de-friended me for a fraction of a Whopper (though, like my AMP3 colleague, I have been awkwardly de-friended before, just never for beef). But according to the stats, over 230,000 “friends” were “sacrificed” via the most recent Facebook App web-campaign, where by axing 10 friends from your account could get you a voucher (mailed to …
Snuggies, and How They Inadvertently Proved Anything is Possible
Whether you recognize them by name or by sight, Snuggies are a commercial albatross around our necks (or TVs, rather). As Time points out, you’ve almost certainly seen the commercials for them, and there are those of you that are actually buying them. An entire retail enterprise is being made out of the concept that blankets aren’t convenient enough for …
What Do We Do Now?! Dealing with Fortune 500 Layoffs
AT&T is slated to layoff 12,000 workers in the upcoming year; a bittersweet irony coming from the company whose warm and good-natured slogan used to be “Reach out and touch someone.” Layoffs are everywhere, an unavoidable topic du jour (and most likely a topic du demain, as well) and the media industry is far from immune. On Twitter, one of the Tweeps I …
People Magazine gives Marcus Goldhaber FOUR Stars!
In addition to his 4 Star review in this week’s edition of People Magazine, Marcus was also reviewed in the January issues of JazzTimes and Jazz Improv, who said the following: “Tasteful and hip, Goldhaber has a gorgeous and sensitive vocal quality..There is a freshness to each track!” -Jazz Improv (January, 2009) “Terrific! Wonderfully imaginative!” -JazzTimes Magazine (January, 2009)
Why Does the History Channel Have to Be So Bittersweet?
Ignore everything last week’s episode of “The City” taught you about New York City and girls that work in Public Relations. First, girls that work in Public Relations actually work as opposed to having fake jobs set up for them by a TV Network (Kelly Cutrone’s face when inquiring about Olivia Palermo’s employment was priceless and seemed to be the …
Let’s Hope My ESP Brings Me a Good 2009
For the last few weeks, I’ve been experiencing minor bouts of ESP, such as hoping a certain episode of “Will and Grace” will be on (and it was!) or predicting the first number to be called in a series of lotto numbers (and it’s happened before, and I have a witness!). I don’t know where it comes from, since I …