What is the Reasoning Behind a Re-Brand When Your Original Brand Was Clearly Better?

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I’m no marketing wiz.  I’m just someone who’s observant and can (tries to, at least) make logical deductions.  That said, I read an interesting article at Consumerist today about the backlash Tropicana is feeling from “Loyal Customers” after changing the widely-recognizable Orange and Straw. The new packaging, which is softer in color and features a glass of orange juice (SANS …

Take Back NYU! Doing Themselves, NYU a Great Disservice

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For anyone that hasn’t been following the story about the NYU student’s protest, here’s a summary: Take Back NYU! (TBNYU) is an organization comprised of other NYU organizations, mobilized to fight for budgetary disclosure (and the occupation of the Kimmel Center includes solidarity with the University of Gaza on many different matters). Wednesday, the students of TBNYU stormed the third …

Is Being Fat the REAL Economic Stimulus Package?

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I read online (and therefore it must be true) that the economic downturn is causing us, as a society, to get fat. Stress-eating, lower food budgets (which means people spend their money on non-perishables, like Rice-A-Roni and Spaghettios instead of fresh fruits and vegetables), and more time sulking in the recession (versus exercising) are all factors that have led to …

marcus goldhaber

Marcus Goldhaber and The Jon Davis Trio at Iridium

AMP3 PRMiscellaneous, Uncategorized

Singer/songwriter Marcus Goldhaber returns to the stage alongside The Jon Davis Trio, featuring: Jon Davis (piano), Matt Clohsey (bass), and Marcello Pellitterri (drums). Marcus Goldhaber & The Jon Davis Trio will be performing at major New York jazz club, Iridium on Wednesday March 25th at 8:30PM & 10:30PM with a $25 cover. Special offer: FREE copy of “Take Me Anywhere” …

Amanda Dolan's New Series "Heart Attack" at the Ward-Nasse Gallery

AMP3 PREvent

On Saturday March 7th, mixed media painter Amanda Dolan will hold an opening reception for her latest exhibition, “Heart Attack” at the Ward-Nasse Gallery. This is her third exhibition at the gallery following two previous shows, “Shes a Lady” and “Call Me Crazy”. The opening reception will begin at 7PM and conclude at 10PM. Complimentary food and beverages will be …

RipLounge Announces "Rock at RipLounge" Sonicbids Contest Winners

AMP3 PRUncategorized

After receiving hundreds of entries from talented contestants around the world, RipLounge has chosen the winners of the “Rock at RipLounge” Sonicbids contest! Competing in three separate categories- Top 40, Hip Hop and R&B, and Techno/Electronic the winners are as follows: Top 40 Winner: Stealing Jane Hip Hop and R&B Winner: DANNA Techno/Electronic Winner: eileen ven Keep an eye out …

Is There a Proper Way to Handle PR Missteps and Come Out On Top: Some Case Studies

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In no particular order: ·      Christian Bale verbally assaults someone on the set of the new “Terminator” movie ·      Chris Brown was booked for beating his girlfriend, Rihanna ·      Michael Phelps had pictures of him smoking from a bong taken, and admitted to “irresponsible actions” ·      Alex Rodriguez, the Yankees golden boy, allegedly took steroids in 2003 ·      Roberto Alomar, …

Betty Confidential

AMP3’s Grammy Recap on BettyConfidential.com

AMP3 PRUncategorized

Last night marked the 51st Annual Grammy Awards, and music-fanatic turned partner publicist at AMP3, Alyson Campbell, has a full roundup of the evening’s hits and misses over at BettyConfidential.com. From M.I.A.’s belly to Rihanna and Chris Brown being M.I.A, and Carrie Underwood’s legs to Katy Perry’s shoes, you can read the full write-up here.

Exciting news from RipLounge


The finalists have been chosen for the “Rock at RipLounge” SonicBids contest. Stay tuned for the final announcement with the winners! In other news, RipLounge co-founder Drew Stern will be on The Millionaire Matchmaker Season 2 on Bravo. Catch the season premiere on February 12th at 10/9c.

Why the Girl Scouts Need to Move Their Delicious Cookie Sales Initiatives Online

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Full Disclosure: I was a Brownie for about 2 years.  Granted, I was a member of Troop 666 (no kidding), and I was a bit of a rebel in organizing an after-school revolt against the uninspired mothers that thought Munchkins were the appropriate snack for EVERY SINGLE TROOP MEETING (my little napkin petition had plenty of crayon signatures from like-minded …