If you’ve been on Tiktok or Instagram reels you most likely have seen videos popping up recently about the fashion feud heating up between Gen Z (born mid to late 1990s to 2010) and Millennials (born 1980 – mid 1990s). It seems like both generations have their own unique style that defines them clearly, because apparently the way we do …
Opening Your Spring Closet 2021
As the days start to get warmer and longer, I think we can all agree it’s time to put the scarves and puffer jackets away. The range in temperatures can make us question our closet, however, with items like these, you’ll be able to dress for all the dramatic weather changes. Take a leap of faith and mix up your …
Don’t Let Your Fashion Freeze in the Winter
Winter is a constant three-month struggle of trying to assemble an outfit that is actually sufficiently warm – especially in NYC. Because figuring out what to wear when it’s freezing out is hard enough, doing so and making it look fashionable for multiple days in a row is a challenge many aren’t willing to take. I want to look cute today, …
How to Safely Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day ❤
It’s that time of year again, as we say goodbye to a wintery January and optimistically look forward to February. Ah! Valentine’s Day… regretfully it seems as if the darkest days of Covid-19 may not be behind us, which will most likely call for a Valentine’s Day spent indoors and free from contact with others. Luckily I have spent a …
What To Do When It Feels Like There’s Nothing To Do: NYC COVID Edition
Let’s be honest, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a lot from us. It has taken birthday celebrations, anniversaries, baby showers and so much more. But with this being said, it hasn’t taken everything. There are so many things you can still do with friends and family: the key is you just have to get creative! Especially in New York City, …
The Most Instagrammable Spots In NYC: Spring 2019 Edition
Instagrammable Pop Ups: Just What Your Feed Needs Springtime is here, and it is time to find some new and creative things to do around the city. Finding something fun to do is made even better when you can get an amazing picture to post on your social media. In recent years, we have seen the boom of pop up …
On Tuesday, October 30th, British audio giant KEF exclusively unveiled their new LSX speaker at a media preview in New York City. The event was held at Midtown Manhattan lounge space 38 Parlor. The LSX expands upon the legacy of the brand’s signature LS50 Wireless speaker, offering greater innovation, big beautiful studio sound, and a more sleek, compact design. The speaker, designed by …
Where Will Menswear Take Us Next?
The fashion industry tends to be a somewhat one-sided world to take part in, no matter what your involvement is. For consumers the selection of apparel available is almost exclusively for women. And in terms of employees of the industry, you guessed it, mostly women. It’s a common stereotype to think that only women work in fashion. But why is …