Lauren Meyer Amp3PR Influencer Insider Series

Influencer Insider: Lauren Meyer

ShaeInfluencer & Celebrity

We’re back with another featured AMP3 Influencer Insider! Meet Lauren Meyer, a lifestyle blogger that focuses on the best kind of style– the affordable kind! Lauren (@_lomeyer_) made our list of the Top 10 Fashion Influencers of 2018. We love her style and the fact that she goes the extra mile to create looks that are accessible to all. 

Missed our last insider? Not to worry! You can check out our previous Influencer Insider here.

Or you can see them ALL here.

Lauren Meyer Amp3PR Influencer Insider Series
Lauren Meyer Amp3PR Influencer Insider Series
Lauren Meyer Amp3PR Influencer Insider Series Highline West Side Highway NYC

What are your thoughts on the term influencer? (If you prefer another title, what is it?)

To be honest, I’m rather ambivalent toward it. I think, inside the influencer world, the word generates strong reactions but the rest of the world is just beginning to learn what influencers do and who they are. It really is the only word that properly encompasses everything we do as influencers/bloggers/marketers/photographers etc – we influence those who follow us through our online presence.

Tell us a little bit more about what it means to be an influencer/content creator in today’s brand marketing world?

Influencers are at this great turning point in today’s marketing world – whereas society used to look solely to celebrities and magazines to influence their lifestyles, they can now look to people who are not so different from themselves. But, because we’re ordinary people, we have to hustle hard and wear many different hats to make all of the pieces fit together. It’s a dream job but you still have to be willing to constantly adapt and learn to stay ahead of the curve.

What do you like most about Social Media (Specifically Instagram)?

Being able to express myself creatively through my feed as well as connect with my followers and fellow influencers!

What do you like the least about Social Media (Specifically Instagram)?

The need to be “on” and posting constantly to stay on top of Instagram’s algorithm. Sometimes you really just feel like taking a few days off to recharge, but that’s not an option in this industry.

Can you walk us through what a normal work day is like for you?

Everyday is a little different depending on if I have a call, an event or a shoot. But typically I’ll spend a little “me-time” right away in the morning before beginning work at 8AM. In the morning I usually tackle email, any blog posts or stories that need shooting (like try-ons or unboxings). I’ll do my first Instagram post around noon and then have lunch. In the afternoon, I’ll do work on my website, webinars or do dressing room try-ons. In the evening, I’ll do a bit of work on Pinterest, check email and post again to Instagram around 7-9PM.

Can you talk a little bit about your experience working with publicists?

I’ve had nothing but great experiences with publicists! It’s always important to cultivate and maintain good working relationships with publicists so you’re top of mind for any future projects they may have. I’ve worked on collaborations with publicists in the past and have had them then reach out for long-term future projects.

What do brands tend to get wrong when working with influencers?

The number one thing brands get “wrong” is that they tend to under-value the role of the influencer. Although we’re not on the cover of People or all over the news, our voice holds weight with our followers. Like I stated before, we’re in a unique position in that we can relate better to our followers because we’re similar to them – just ordinary people documenting our lives online. Brands need to realize the huge value of this presence.

When working with brands, what do you look for? Is there anything you wouldn’t do?

I often try to work with brands I’ve either purchased from myself or would wear if I weren’t a blogger. I typically would not work with a brand if it doesn’t align with my values, my creative vision or what my audience wants.  

Would you say that you have a niche? If so, what is it?

I definitely do! It’s affordable style, beauty & lifestyle!

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

Being able to wake up every day and create for followers who I genuinely love connecting with!

How do you think this career path has changed you? (Has your style changed at all, have you traveled more because of it, etc.)

I think I’ve become more confident, more open to others and more outgoing. But, at the end of the day, I’m still me!   

Quick Qs- Rapid Fire!

What is the one fashion item that you can’t live without? A great pair of heels – I’m 5’2” so I need help to play with the big kids!

What is your favorite phone App? Instagram!

What’s an Instagram photo you would never post? Anything risqué!

Pizza or tacos? Tacos, always

What brand(s) are you loving right now? LOFT, Topshop, Madewell

One reality that people don’t realize about being an influencer? It’s a 24/7 job that’s a lot more work than just an Instagram feed lets on.

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