Despite the fact that we have an ever-growing number of blogs inundating the internet every day, are these blogs losing their potency? It would make sense that in a Web 2.0 world where everyone has the capacity to post their thoughts online (and/or claim expert status), no niche is left unfilled and we’re bordering on redundancy. Much like public relations, …
Suffering in Smudged Silence
The media industry is changing (not to mention the social media marketing industry), and some of our heartiest newspaper stock are folding in ways that can only be described as “frighteningly fast.” The culprit, it seems, would be the proliferation of smart phones and other devices that can access the Internet in a portable capacity. We can even evade annoying …
I May Be a Little Late to the Party, but What is the Deal with FML?
Microblogging is all the rage. People are so interested in everyone else’s business, but rather than taking the time out to express genuine concern, or allot the amount of time necessary to form valid, cogent opinions, we want to be flippant, hear a sound bite, and pass judgment. I’ve recently been introduced to the treasure trove that is, where …
Do You Even Know Why We Bother With Daylight Savings Time?
Every year, we fall back and spring forward one hour for reasons that, as far as I can tell, range from conserving energy to permitting more convenient farming hours. I guess giving farmers more better hours by which to work by light conserves energy in some way, so let’s work with that theory… I mean, the idea is that we’re …
How Far Will Some States Go in Order to Save Some Bucks During the Recession?
As of this posting, 36 of these United States (including the US Government and the US Military) allow the death penalty as a suitable punishment for the most egregious of crimes. I’ll also note that, at the time of this posting, I was unable to find reliable statistics as to the average cost of keeping a prisoner for life v. …
Are Commercials Actually More Than Obtrusive Interruptions From Television Watching?
There are a number of people that confuse Public Relations with Advertising. Often times, people think that we pay to have articles written about our clients (and I’m sure that that’s happened before, but for above-board firms like AMP3, every placement is earned). When I try to explain to people the key differences between Advertising and PR, it comes down …
What is the Reasoning Behind a Re-Brand When Your Original Brand Was Clearly Better?
I’m no marketing wiz. I’m just someone who’s observant and can (tries to, at least) make logical deductions. That said, I read an interesting article at Consumerist today about the backlash Tropicana is feeling from “Loyal Customers” after changing the widely-recognizable Orange and Straw. The new packaging, which is softer in color and features a glass of orange juice (SANS …
Take Back NYU! Doing Themselves, NYU a Great Disservice
For anyone that hasn’t been following the story about the NYU student’s protest, here’s a summary: Take Back NYU! (TBNYU) is an organization comprised of other NYU organizations, mobilized to fight for budgetary disclosure (and the occupation of the Kimmel Center includes solidarity with the University of Gaza on many different matters). Wednesday, the students of TBNYU stormed the third …
Is Being Fat the REAL Economic Stimulus Package?
I read online (and therefore it must be true) that the economic downturn is causing us, as a society, to get fat. Stress-eating, lower food budgets (which means people spend their money on non-perishables, like Rice-A-Roni and Spaghettios instead of fresh fruits and vegetables), and more time sulking in the recession (versus exercising) are all factors that have led to …
Marcus Goldhaber and The Jon Davis Trio at Iridium
Singer/songwriter Marcus Goldhaber returns to the stage alongside The Jon Davis Trio, featuring: Jon Davis (piano), Matt Clohsey (bass), and Marcello Pellitterri (drums). Marcus Goldhaber & The Jon Davis Trio will be performing at major New York jazz club, Iridium on Wednesday March 25th at 8:30PM & 10:30PM with a $25 cover. Special offer: FREE copy of “Take Me Anywhere” …