A Pressworthy Initiative

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Call them what you will–acts of God, forces of nature, the wrath of Mother Earth–weather-related tragedies (nee, all tragedies) are heart-breaking and often require aid and compassion from those not directly affected.Whether it’s the Tsunami that hit the Indian Ocean, the Hurricane that hit New Orleans, or the recent Cyclone and Earthquake that have plagued Asia as of late, the …

What’s the Real Value of Digg?

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Let’s call a spade a spade: the internet is completely malleable, and everything (including “news”) should really be taken with a grain of salt. Why? you may ask. And no, the answer is not because I’m cynical, jaded, or the like.  My opinion is based on the seemingly omnipotent Digg.  For those unfamiliar with how Digg works, it’s quite simple: …

Amanda Dolan Rocks It… Again.

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Her art show may be winding down, and she may never want to see pink again (which is incredibly doubtful), but Amanda Dolan is hotter than ever, and we here at AMP3 aren’t afraid let that be known. After a week of interviews, Amanda’s most recent one was a 45 minute interview, which you’re lucky enough to catch archived here. …

Has MySpace Jumped the Shark?

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I don’t often use MySpace, as most of my “Friend Requests” are from people, places, and things that if I actually knew them, I probably wouldn’t like them. 95% of those entities include bands, and that’s part of the reason that MySpace’s recently launched music component doesn’t make sense to me and seems to be last ditch effort to keep …

What happens when a monster destroys its creator?

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frankensteinnoun1. an agency that escapes control and destroys its creator    Given that definition, the answer is most certainly yes. While the concept was made popular by Mary Shelley in 1818, the notions that the created can destroy the creator has been around since biblical days.  The story of the Golem made out of clay that came to life as a priest inscribed “EMETH”–life–on …

Is Earth Day Obsolete?

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Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day.    What does that even mean anymore?   As a kid in elementary school, that meant coloring in handouts with trees on them (ironically wasting paper in the process), learning about the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle), and playing with an Earth Ball in gym class.  Now, though, Earth Day seems to have fallen out …

I Will Absolutely Give You Up

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These “Rick-Rolling” shenanigans have to stop.   Countless people have been duped into watching Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.”  And at first, it started as a fad amongst those finding humor in tricking people into watching the (admittedly comical) aforementioned music video. But now, as with this past April Fool’s Day, overwhelming entities like YouTube have jumped on the band …

What is art? Are we art? Is art art?

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I do not understand art. Perhaps that should be rephrased as “I do not understand (modern) ‘art.’” There are certain standards of beauty which have been examined from a scientific sense, dealing with symmetry and ratios, and I can understand that. There are standards of beauty that come along with cultural preference, and again, that’s understandable. Then there is always …

It was only a matter of time…

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It’s interesting to see how one political scandal and one MySpace page can turn an unknown “singer” into a sensation over night. Ashley Alexandra “Kristen” Dupre capitalized on her noteriaty by putting her music on MySpace and Amie Street.  What Governor Spitzer’s call girl shrewdly understood was that social media sites were a breeding ground for an interest in music. …