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Influencer Insider: Sasha Hart

MeganInfluencer & Celebrity

We’re back with another featured AMP3 Influencer Insider! Meet Sasha Hart, a music artist, aerial permformer, instagrammmer turner Youtuber based in NYC. Sasha (@sashahartnyc) is at the peak of creativity; pushing boundaries and staying true to herself! We have really loved getting to know Sasha and hearing about her thoughts on the Influencer space. But don’t just take our word for it!

Missed last week’s insider? Not to worry! You can check out our previous Influencer Insider here.

Or you can see them ALL here.

What are your thoughts on the term influencer? (If you prefer another title, what is it?)

To me Influencer (for the lack of a better word) is someone that people connect with on a deeper level, who’s judgement they trust in a certain area, someone they wanna see more of, be like or learn from. Before social media boom these were pop stars and public figures. Nowadays, influencers are thought about the most in social media space, and the amount of their influence is often measured by the number of followers.

Tell us a little bit more about what it means to be an influencer/content creator in today’s brand marketing world?

Social media developed so much in the last few years. I feel, nowadays, the biggest challenge is to stand out from the noise, find your voice and continue pursuit of what you love despite of everything that tells you not to.
Influencers are a perfect depiction of Jack of All Trades. Meanwhile, they have to also master them all to succeed.

What do you like most about Social Media (Specifically Instagram)?

I love it for being a creative outlet with AMAZING photos from all over the world. It’s like a mood board, a perfectly portrayed lifestyle most of us wanna live. Also, I appreciate it for allowing me to connect with this many wonderful people and brands. I met a few of my closest friends there!

What do you like the least about Social Media (Specifically Instagram)?

The new algorithm. It encourages creators to compromise their vision and only post content that is proved to get more engagement, play the numbers game.

Can you walk us through what a normal work day is like for you?

I am a freelance artist, so my schedule really varies. One day I’m writing and editing at home, another day I travel and shoot a lot, next day I’m putting together outfits and attending a press event. In all the madness and unpredictability of my daily life, I find following the same morning routine very helpful to keep me focused and clear-minded. Also, I love making lists and checking out items that have been accomplished.) Yeah, a bit nerdy)

Can you talk a little bit about your experience working with publicists?

The importance of those relationships?
I believe in building true friendships with both brands and publicists by delivering the best content, being flexible and treating them like I wanna be treated. At the end of the day, we are all human, and I’d rather be spending my time furthering progress of people I love and genuinely believe in.

What do brands tend to get wrong when working with influencers?

And what are the top things brands should know about working with you/them (your tips & best practices)?
Rule of thumb – do not ask a person you don’t know for something without offering anything in exchange. You will be seen as a rip off.

My “Tip” would be to look through the content that the influencer you’d like to work with created so far, mention something that stood out for you and once you made an agreement, trust the influencer to deliver that content. I like to underpromise and overdeliver. This way the brands I work with stay happy and we get to build a long lasting relationship.

How can a new or emerging brand make themselves stand out to you?

I like to support emerging brands. However, they need to make sure there is a strong concept behind the brand and the content they post is of great quality. I put my name behind every brand I work with, so I gotta be able to personally connect and see value. Trust of my followers is far more important to me than making a quick buck.

When working with brands, what do you look for? Is there anything you wouldn’t do?

I would not be able to collaborate with a brand that is not aligned with my values or far off from my style.

Would you say that you have a niche? If so, what is it?

Fashion/lifestyle/travel Russian in New York.) I think I’m still figuring out how to narrow it down. I’m just interested in a thousand things and it’s really hard to focus on one and dismiss the others – the biggest challenge of a millennial.

How do you measure your success? How do you quantify your results for brands?

Creating outstanding content that I am proud of, being able to connect and engage with my audience through it.

How do you determine what you charge brands for your work?

Types of content, time it takes to create, brand’s budget.

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

Getting to work with creatives, showing the world through my lens, connecting, inspiring and getting inspired.

How do you think this career path has changed you? (Has your style changed at all, have you traveled more because of it, etc.)

I do feel like I am living a better life for it! Blogging stimulates me to go places, find better experiences, enjoy life to the full extend of it. I started paying more attention to my personal style, the way I think, plan and organize things. It made me more conscious about the choices I make every day, also helped build more confidence. It might look like everybody is blogging nowadays, but God knows it’s not easy to put yourself out there.

Where do you think the influencer space is going? What’s next?

I feel like this new algorithm is killing Instagram, and video content will be dominating in the nearest future. A lot of bloggers are already migrating/expanding to the video space. Youtube does not have that complicated algorithm that changes every two weeks, it is more understandable, gives opportunity to deeper connect with your audience. I definitely got my eyes on it.

Quick Qs- Rapid Fire!

What is the one fashion item that you can’t live without? Faux furs this Winter for sure.

What is your favorite Phone App? Snapseed

If your life was a movie, what would it be called? Fast and Furious😂😂. There are so many things happening at the same time that I feel like I’m in a racing car trying to hold on. However, it is moving in the exact direction where I wanna go, so I am ecstatic about that.

Pizza or tacos? Fish tacos, please!

What brand(s) are you loving right now? Been loving shoes from Adrienne Vittadini. Also, Zara has been growing on me a lot lately! My own brand @NOMADSteez – clothing for modern Nomads.

One reality that people don’t realize about being an influencer? It is a 24/7 job that requires you to have an extensive skillset and being able to move and adapt to change fast.

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