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Influencer Insider: Francis Kenneth

MeganInfluencer & Celebrity

We’re back with another featured AMP3 Influencer Insider! We loved the genuine and candid responses from this week’s AMP3 Insider, Francis Kenneth (@franciskenneth). Francis stays true to himself no matter what, and isn’t afraid of what everyone else might say. Looking for a new perspective on the life of an influencer? Well then read on…

Missed last week’s insider? Not to worry! You can check out our previous Influencer Insider here.

What are your thoughts on the term influencer? (If you prefer another title, what is it?)

I totally get that it’s an umbrella term, but I strongly dislike and disagree with it. Anyone can be an influencer, but I feel that most “influencers” aren’t using their platform to actually influence anyone to do anything impactful, let alone meaningful.

I call myself a hyper-creative because no one has time to hear me say musician/blogger/stylist/creative director/etc. Let’s get back to the days when people had to actually do and be good at something to be influential – quality (of content) over quantity (of followers, likes, comments, blah blah blah).

Tell us a little bit more about what it means to be an influencer/content creator in today’s brand marketing world?

As previously mentioned, anyone can be an influencer, and the same could said for a content creator. However, not all content creators are influencers and vise versa. I think the two are over-saturated in today’s brand marketing world. Passion, and more importantly, creativity have disappeared for the most part, and you can tell who the carbon copies/cookie cutters are. As BB King would say, The Thrill Is Gone.

What do you like most about Social Media (Specifically Instagram)?

I love what it was originally meant for, the ability to connect with people from all walks of life. I met my Aussie girlfriend on Instagram (no joke), and the distance and time difference isn’t so bad when we have social media to stay in touch and keep up with each other’s lives. Shout out to @melaniedylankim.

What do you like the least about Social Media (Specifically Instagram)?

The ever-changing algorithms. Instagram, if it isn’t already, is headed towards a pay-to-play system. No wonder people are resorting to loop giveaways and directly/indirectly buying followers, likes, and comments.

Can you walk us through what a normal work day is like for you?

Influencer-brand manager by day, hyper-creative by night. “Influence” rules everything around me.

Can you talk a little bit about your experience working with publicists? The importance of those relationships?

With the exception of a select few, I love working with publicists. It’s obviously important to be professional in any work relationship. However, the ones I value most are less about business, more about pleasure (friendship).

What do brands tend to get wrong when working with influencers? And what are the top things brands should know about working with you/them (your tips & best practices)?

Brands tend to think:
1. Numbers (followers) = Sales
2. Sales/growth happens overnight.
3. Creating content is easy and cheap, if not free.

Best practices:
Avoid all of the above.

How can a new or emerging brand make themselves stand out to you?

Connect on a deeper level. Let’s hang!

When working with brands, what do you look for? Is there anything you wouldn’t do?

Purpose. Does the brand really, truly believe in their product AND are they looking to better the industry, or are they just in it for the fame or to make a quick buck?

The same could be said about influencers.

Would you say that you have a niche? If so, what is it?

Mens fashion and lifestyle.

How do you measure your success? How do you quantify your results for brands?

Creating content that evokes emotion, for better or worse, is all the success and results I need.

How do you determine what you charge brands for your work?

The size of the business, what their ask is, and the amount of time and work I have to put in to create the content.

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

Making legitimate friendships with brands, influencers, and followers alike.

How do you think this career path has changed you? (Has your style changed at all, have you traveled more because of it, etc.)

Whether we want to admit it or not, having any sort of platform to influence others comes with a lot of responsibility. Although it takes dedication to hard work and consistency, I feel this career path has definitely changed me for the best. My lifestyle continuously changes as more and more opportunities present themselves, and I’m eternally grateful to everyone and everything that’s helped me along the way

Where do you think the influencer space is going? What’s next?

Influencers will take back what’s rightfully theirs: the social media space. What I mean by that is followers will grow tired, if they aren’t already, of seeing the same sponsored posts over and over again. As a result, brands will lose power over influencers content and give up more of the creative control to content creators. In turn, influencers will have to be even more creative, passionate, and most importantly, authentic to themselves. Platforms like XOMAD know exactly what I’m talking about.

Quick Qs- Rapid Fire!

  • What is the one fashion item that you can’t live without? Jewelry
  • What is your favorite Phone App? Instagram
  • If your life was a movie, what would it be called? FK: My Life
  • What’s an Instagram photo you would never post? Never say never.
  • Pizza or tacos? Tacos
  • What brand(s) are you loving right now? Pocket Square Clothing
  • One reality that people don’t realize about being an influencer? All that’s gold does not all shine.

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