It would seem as the minutes turn myspace is turning into a mega version of facebook. While this may not be such a bad thing, the inevtiable is happening, people are switching to far stabler platforms for their friendstering. Its time myspace and News Corp put some effort into the abyssmal Myspace interface. If only they could shut down those stupid …
Google and MTV team up!
Ad-supported video continues to gain momentum online. Google has teamed up with Viacom to provide video clips to websites that are part of Google’s AdSense Network. Viacom is the parent company to MTV, VH1, CBS and a number of other premium networks. The deal will be positioned as a revenue generator for Google, Viacom, and AdSense partners. All three will …
Trent Reznor splits from Universal Music, goes completely independent
No doubt as a reaction to all the bad press he’s been giving record labels, Universal/Interscope has relieved Trent Reznor of his contractual duties. As of today, Nine Inch Nails is working without a useless money-grubbing middleman and going straight to the fans. The revolution continues… read more | digg story
RIAA trial verdict is in: jury finds Thomas liable for infringement
After less than four hours of deliberations, a federal jury in Duluth, Minnesota handed the RIAA a victory in the first file-sharing case to go to trial, finding that Jammie Thomas willfully infringed on the record labels’ copyrights, awarding them $222,000 in damages. read more | digg story
New Radiohead album In Rainbows … pay what you think it’s worth
Pay nothing if you like. Interesting experiment… read more | digg story