The 15 most visited sites on the internet. The results may or may not surprise you.

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The 15 most visited sites on the internet.

The 15 Busiest sites on the internet. Some of the results may surprise you, some may not. We spend a lot of time on “auto-pilot” while browsing the web, so when we check our gmail account 300 times in a day (on a slow day) – you don’t realize quite how much you are lining googles pockets. Looking at the data, it becomes clear who the real players are. No matter how much buzz surrounds sites like “Twitter”  (number 46 on the list) these are the big guys.  Its mind-boggling to think of just how many professions have been born out of these 15 sites alone.

#1 – surprise surprise. Pay Per Click advertising is apparently very lucrative.

#2 Yahoo! – Microsoft eat your heart out.

#3 YouTube – Lights, Camera, wow that was a weird video. Google got this for a cool 1.65 Billion. With a B.

#4 Facebook – Myspace Shmyspace wants to add you as a friend.

#5 Windows Live – I was surprised to see this, I guess it pays to have hundreds of millions of users who don’t know how to change their home page in internet explorer

#6 – I guess Windows 95 really had an impact.

#7 Wikipedia –  Its amazing what passes as information these days. I’m surprised Google hasn’t bought this yet!

#8 Blogger – So many people with so much to say. Uses Googles login mechanism, its just a matter of time and FTP!

#9 Myspace – It might be outdated, but its still the social network of choice for many boppers and musicians.

#10 – Say what? Chinas most popular search engine. A Billion reasons why this is on the rise.

#11 – Japans favorite site to find….something. Learning Japanese is on my list  for 2020.

#12 – Google India. Again a booming population recently introduced to the interwebs!

#13 – Uber cool german version of google Suche im gesamten Web, in deutschsprachigen sowie in deutschen Seiten. 

#14 QQ.COM –  QQ is the most popular free instant messaging program in Mainland China, and the world’s third most popular IM service.

#15 Microsoft Corporation – The only listing in “BLUE Screen” blue. The end. CTL ALT DELETE!

Now its time for me to contribute to googles number one ranking again and again and again.

– Dion

AMP3 Twitter : @AMP3pr

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