AMP3 PR adds Doral Bank to their roster!


Doral Bank is based in Puerto Rico. In 2008, it launched its new corporate image and announced its community service programs, including “Ruta Pink” (Pink Route), a breast cancer awareness and prevention initiative. Ruta Pink’s mobile pink bus visits towns across Puerto Rico and offers women (and men) free mammograms, biopsies and referrals – with or without health insurance.

Doral also launched “domingos dMuseo” (Sundays at the Museum), providing communities throughout Puerto Rico the opportunity to visit the Puerto Rico Museum of Art free of charge every Sunday in September.

For more info on Doral Bank, visit

To read more about Ruta Pink, visit

AMP3 PR is proud to announce that we’ll be handling PR for all of Doral Bank’s community service programs! All media inquiries should be sent to

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