The Competitive Advantage of Small PR Agencies

Shelby TaylorPublic Relations (PR)

The Competitive Advantage of Small PR Agencies Many companies seek out larger, better-known PR agencies because of their size, access to resources, and familiarity, among other reasons. However, many businesses underestimate the benefits of working with smaller PR agencies. With their intimate attention to detail and unparalleled access to high-level employees, it’s not surprising that working with a small boutique …

Best Practices to Get the Most out of Influencer Marketing

Shelby TaylorInfluencer & Celebrity

The power of Influencer marketing has risen, becoming an effective method of growing your brand, generating traffic and increasing sales. Utilizing an influencer marketing campaign is a change from traditional marketing campaigns as it allows businesses to collaborate with influential individuals inside and outside their industry to produce and share content that will transcend their audience. Here are some of …

How to make the most out of your PR campaign

Shelby TaylorPublic Relations (PR)

PR is a great tool for professionals that provides an invaluable way of getting your brand out there and getting recognition for the incredible things that your company is doing. However, to increase your social media impressions and get the best return on investment (ROI) that PR can provide through media and publicity, you need to have a few key …

How to Launch Your International Brand in the U.S.

Shelby TaylorInternational, Public Relations (PR), SEO

Launching a website that is accessible worldwide is a surefire way to successfully begin building your global brand. However, true growth relies on your ability to establish a unique brand identity, reach international markets, and customize your global presence. Proven success with your current audience is beneficial, but is not necessarily a make or break factor when introducing an international …